In this past year, the game, Animal Crossing, or どうぶつの森 (Doubutsu no Mori) in Japanese, has become extremely popular. It came out on the Nintendo Switch right as the pandemic was starting, and it seemed the perfect game to help people pass the time and get through the forced isolation. To be honest, I have […]
In this video, I examine a subject that is at the very basis of the craft of astrology, and that is what one excepts as authoritative and persuasive. This goes to the heart of the differences among the various branches and types of Western Astrology.
The Great Conjunction of 2020 is being called by many “the Christmas Star.” This video explains my thoughts on this, and my own speculations of the nature of the Star of Bethlehem from the Gospel of Matthew:
Here is this week’s video: See also: Honoring Our Ancestors Tamala: The Feast of the Dead
Here is the latest video on the Essentialist Astrology Channel: For more information on this subject, see: Guénon, René, The Dark Age, The Crisis of the Modern World, Sophia Perennis, 1942 Trent, Alice Lucy, Cycles of Time, The Feminine Universe, The Golden Order Press, 1997 Kali Yuga: The Patriarchal Dark Age Satya Yuga to Kali […]